I uploaded a new animation. Its only 30 seconds long; more of a test than anything. I took this image to the left (which I found on google) and animated it usingAdobe After Effects. Its nothing special, but it does what I wanted it to do.
Ok, so I made a new blog to share my experiences in Vancouver and to show how school is going. So about the title... Mr. Witt from LT art class came up with the best technique for naming something (like artwork or a Blog in this instance) if you can't seem to think of one yourself. He said to take a science fiction novel, flip to a random page, and then point to a random spot. That sentence, word, or phrase is you new title! I used The Time Machine for my title. I still have to finish that book...
I'm still in Chicago and will be until October 18th. I met my roommate (from Houston) on the 24th while he was staying at a friends apartment by St. Xavier's. He's cool, and I'm glad I got to meet him before going to Vancouver.
I'm almost done getting everything ready and I can't wait to see Vancouver. Ok, so I'll keep you updated on everything.
Also, I finally uploaded my DePaul Animation I final.
PS - I should definitely be able to update this blog a lot more than my Japan blog, since I will be surrounded by computers pretty much all the time! Definitely e-mail me or comment if you have any questions or want to talk!