Monday, October 27, 2008

Granville Island

So, I went to Granville Island on Sunday to see the Public Market. Granville Island is well, a small island, connected to Vancouver's West End by the Granville Bridge. There are many shops and restaurants on this small island, but its main attraction (besides the brewery) is the Public Market. Its basically a farmers market carrying just about anything (but good prosciutto).

I have made some frieds from school, so thats pretty cool. Since orientation, I have been hanging out with my roommate, Caio (from Brazil), and Andrej (from Hungary). I know I will get to know more people, its just been a rough week for everyone. So anyway, Caio and Andrej met Justin and I at the Granville Public Market on Sunday. It was fun. I have to say that the highlight of my day, was learning a new English word. Yes, English. Andrej kept using this word which sounded like this, fa-cool-tuh-tively. I just thought it was him saying a word and I couldnt understand his accent. Caio then mentioned that that word is also in portugese; "Facultativo". So, I looked it up online. Turns out, Facultatively is an English word... (they were using it as in the second example) Its sort of embarrasing when non-native speakers of my own language are teaching me new words. I did learn some Portugese after that, but no Hungarian yet though.

1 comment:

Keiji said...

I'm Keiji. I went to Granville Island too. It's great place.
I looked a lot of shop and after that I tried to dring some beer at brewery.
They were really good taste!!